Support to play voice messages outside of chat for WhatsApp

Support to play voice messages outside of chat for WhatsApp

One of the most used instant messaging applications in the market WhatsApplaunching the long-tested feature for voice messages today presented.

WhatsApp Voicemail usage is very high. Many people like to send a quick voice message when the text message is going to be very long and time-consuming. Today, a new update has been made in this infrastructure. Voicemails were first updated on the iOS side today. became listenable in the background. In the past, when you opened a voicemail and changed the chat window, the content was closed.

With the new update that will come for Android in the future, the voicemail can continue to be listened even if the window is closed. by the firm “You can now play voicemails and audio files outside of chatsThe feature, introduced as ”, will allow you to do other things within the application while listening to a long message, and it will probably be liked very much.

WhatsApp, had previously introduced a control system for voice messages. With the step taken to remember, it became possible to check by listening just before a voice message was sent. In this way, possible errors can be eliminated before they go to the other side.

The service, which will gain many other new features in 2022, will also enter the tablet side in the coming months and will be available independently of phones. In addition to these, other innovations are being developed for the platform. For example, a Communities system that will unite groups soon to the service is coming.
