Support from outer space has arrived! Russian cosmonauts wore overalls in the colors of the Ukrainian flag

Support from outer space has arrived Russian cosmonauts wore overalls

While reactions to Russia continue after the invasion operation launched in Ukraine, support for Ukraine is growing like an avalanche. The last example of this came from Russian cosmonauts.

Cosmonauts Denis Matveyev, Sergey Korsakov and Oleg Artemyev of the Russian space agency (Roscosmos) launched a Soyuz MS-21 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan yesterday.

In the images when the spacecraft approached the ISS, it was seen that the cosmonauts were wearing blue flight suits, but after the vehicle docked to the ISS, they wore yellow and blue overalls reminiscent of the Ukrainian flag.

When the cosmonauts were asked about the color of the overalls they wore, it was stated that they chose the clothes of their own accord.

Cosmonaut Artemyev said, “It was our turn to choose colors. We actually had a lot of yellow material saved, so we had to use it. That’s why we had to wear yellow.” said. (AA)

