Support from HRW to UN’s Russia Decision

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

A statement came from Human Rights Watch (HRW) regarding the exclusion of Russia from the United Nations Human Rights Council membership. The UN Director of the Agency, Louis Charbonneau, said in his statement that the UN General Assembly resolution conveyed a “clear message” to Russia.

In the voting held in the UN General Assembly today, 93 countries supported the termination of the UN Human Rights Council membership due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, while 24 countries voted against it. 55 of the 172 countries that participated in the voting held at the UN General Assembly, where 193 member countries took part, abstained.

One of the first rights groups to support the decision was HRW. “The General Assembly has sent a clear message to Russia’s leaders that a government whose military routinely commits horrific abuses has no place on the UN Human Rights Council,” said Louis Charbonneau, UN Director of the organisation.

After Russian leader Vladimir Putin recognized the independence of two separatist groups in eastern Ukraine, the Russian army entered Ukraine. Describing the ongoing occupation process since February 24 as a ‘special military operation’, the Russian authorities claim that they did not target civilians in their attacks.

According to United Nations data, at least 1,400 civilians, including children, lost their lives as a result of attacks on many cities, including the capital, Kyiv.

While the Ukrainian army regained control in some regions, including Kyiv, the images that emerged after the weekend attacks in Bucha received a great reaction all over the world. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski has called on the United Nations to bring those responsible to justice, claiming that “genocide” was committed in Bucha, where hundreds of civilians died.

HRW UN Director Charbonneau also drew attention to the events in Buça in his statement regarding the suspension of Russia’s membership of the UN Human Rights Council. Charbonneau said, “The horrifying images from Buça shocked the whole world. Victims and their families deserve to see those who did this held accountable. “Investigators from the UN and the International Criminal Court must act quickly to find and preserve evidence of war crimes, and mobilize the wheel of justice.”
