Support from EU member states to facilitate wolf hunting | News in brief

Support from EU member states to facilitate wolf hunting

The majority of EU member states have outlined on Wednesday that the protection status of the wolf could be changed from a fully protected species to a protected species. Tells about it Ministry of the Environment.

The EU Commission made a proposal on the matter in December 2023. Finland has been supporting the policy and exerting influence to get it through.

Protection matters, among other things, to how the species can be hunted. Hunting of a protected species can be allowed, while a strictly protected species can only be hunted in exceptional cases, if the animals pose a danger to people or domestic animals.

Protected status is defined in the Bern Convention, whose Standing Committee meets in December. If it accepts the decision, the Commission can start preparations for changing the annex of the EU Habitats Directive.

The individual number of wolves in Finland was estimated to be 277–321 wolves in March of this year.
