Support for researcher Fariba Adelkhah arrested three years ago in Iran does not give up

Support for researcher Fariba Adelkhah arrested three years ago in

It has been three years since the Franco-Iranian anthropologist Fariba Adelkhah was arrested in Iran. She was sentenced to five years in prison for undermining state security, a pretext according to her relatives who denounce an arrest for political reasons. They keep calling for his release. The anthropologist, after being placed under house arrest, has been in prison again since January. A support evening was organized on Tuesday evening in Paris.

Fariba Adelkhah remains in prison and we would like to express our solidarity with her, but also to defend scientific freedom and cultural freedom, explains Jean-François Bayart, researcher and member of the Fariba Adelkhah support committee. These two freedoms are increasingly threatened in the contemporary world. »

The researcher explains that since his reincarceration, indirect news of the researcher has been brought through her family, very fragmentary news: “ What we can say is that she is as tenacious as ever. She has a few health issues that we are concerned about, but not alarming as far as we can tell, mostly heart issues it seems. »

For the support committee for Fariba Adelkhah, the hostage takers, ” because you still have to end up calling things by their name want to weigh on relations between Iran and the West. Jean-François Bayart considers that Fariba Adelkhah has never been politically active, that she is a scientific prisoner, arrested for political reasons that have nothing to do with her.

To listen: Fariba Adelkhah imprisoned again in Iran: “It’s a balance of power to get something”
