SuperJet, accounts blocked due to penalties. Italian employees without salary

SuperJet accounts blocked due to penalties Italian employees without salary

(Finance) – The future of the workers of the SuperJet International, an Italian company 90% owned by the Russian company United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and active in the production, fitting and maintenance services of aircraft for civil use. In a letter sent to the Government and the Veneto Region, where its factory is located, SuperJet International has raised the alarm oninability to pay salariesdespite having liquidity in their current accounts, due to theirs freezing due to the sanctions against Russia decided by the European Union.

The company has 145 employees in Italy, in addition to another 20 operating in the Moscow offices, and considering the related activities, it is estimated that about 200 families of workers and collaborators, almost all Italians, depend on the company. When SuperJet was born, the former Finmeccanica (through Alenia Aermacchi), current Leonardohe controlled the company with 51% of the shares, then gradually his own participation was reduced to the current 10%.

“Authoritative legal opinions – reads a note – argue that SuperJet International cannot be considered punishable by the restrictive measures recently issued against Russia and various Russian entities (including UAC)”. According to the company, “the erroneous application of some sanctions, as well as theapplication resulting from overly restrictive interpretationsand some indirect events, are causing a very serious situation for our company, and for all its workers, generating inevitable consequences on business continuity “.

“In a few days – continues SuperJet – ours the economic and financial situation has changed dramatically. For the current year, our company’s budget envisaged collections of approximately 180 million euros, all due from Russian companies, and now blocked by sanctions. Furthermore, the impossibility of continuing commercial and financial relations with Russian entities is generating the need to pay up to tens of millions of euros in VAT and duties to the Italian State, in a situation determined precisely by laws implemented by the State ” .

“With bank accounts illegitimately blocked, the company will not even be able to pay salaries and taxes due in April – SuperJet warns. deafening silence from the competent authorities to the questions of various companies, which rightly demand a correct application of the sanctions, and the delays in defining rules for the application of the sanctions that must not hit, or can restore, companies that have nothing to do with the war in Ukraine, are ethically unacceptable when many families are no longer even able to receive wages “.
