Superbonus, with savings for the state coffers of 4.5 billion euros reduced to 90%.

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(Finance) – The reduction of Superbonus from 110% to 90% starting from 2023 will save the State 4.5 billion euros. It is the estimate contained within the relation technique accompanying the aid decree quater under discussion in the Senate for its conversion into law and is based on the hypothesis that condominium works will be reduced by 20% due to the lower incentive.

The technical report also estimated that time dilation for the villas single family to be able to take advantage of the 110% Superbonus included in the decree it would cost the state approx 270 million euros. The subsidy, for those who have carried out at least 30% of the total works as at 30 September 2022, would in fact be extended from 31 December 2022 to 31 March 2023. Furthermore, once the decree has been approved, the Superbonus reduced to 90% will be confirmed for the houses of families with a total income of less than 15 thousand euros (calculated on the basis of the number of family members) to renovate their main home. For this type of home, the total cost over the foreseen time horizon is 2.5 billion.

Meanwhile a report of the Censis carried out in collaboration with Harley & Dikkinson and the Construction Industry has calculated that the 55 billion of investments activated in these two years through the Superbonus have mobilized a total of almost 116 billion euros of additional production, creating jobs and positive tax returns. The study also estimated that the maxi incentive, net of the revenue generated, actually cost the State only 30% of what was budgeted.
