Superbonus, Vidotto: stop multiple credit transfers and death due to the measure

Superbonus Vidotto stop multiple credit transfers and death due to

(Finance) – “After the block of the credit assignments successive, multiple, the most important banking institutions have definitively blocked the purchase of credits, resulting in the death of the Superbonusbecause the assignment of credit was the only real engine of all incentives tax“. To sound the alarm and ‘the engineer Fabio Vidottoone of the leading experts in the sector in Italy, founder of the network of professionals

“Businesses too, doing it discount on invoice, they cannot absorb credits indefinitely; therefore, the assignment of credit to banks was essential. The same ones that in turn need to resell the credit“, he adds.” This is the only solution in order not to permanently block the Superbonus, but above all not to undermine businesses, customers and professionals who have ongoing practices and who find the doors blocked by the banks “, concludes Vidotto .
