Superbonus, the CNA request to the Government

Superbonus the CNA request to the Government

(Finance) – CNA invites the government to urgently open a table with companies in the construction sector and the financial system to find a definitive answer to the serious problem of the assignment of credits linked to building bonuses.

Through a press release, the association notes that the announcement by Poste Italiane to suspend the purchase of tax credits represents a strongly negative signal for tens of thousands of companies in the supply chain, “with tax drawers full of credits and unable to sell them”.

“The circular of the Revenue Agency last month, as Cna feared, did not unblock the situation. In addition – adds the association – the announcements by representatives of the government and the majority on the umpteenth modification of the the regulatory framework and the signs of a slowdown in the market are worsening the health of thousands of companies “.
