Superbonus: Reeds, regulations inserted by the Governments are mortgages on construction sites

Superbonus Reeds regulations inserted by the Governments are mortgages on

(Finance) – “Sorry to see that inside a decree which is called ‘supports’ a measure that support has absolutely nothing for both businesses and citizens. “So in a note Gabriele BuiaPresident of Ance, the national association of manufacturers.

“Despite the protests of a large part of the economic world and the proposals on the table of solutions alternatives than us first
we suggested, the Government – he continues – decided not to listen to anyone, thus effectively placing a mortgage on the 110% Superbonus construction sites “.

“The new constraints on the assignment of credits for the interventions deriving from the building bonusesin fact, as reported by all economic operators including ABI, they will have a very heavy impact on the work in progress with the risk of creating thousands of restraints and blocking interventions already started with serious social and economic repercussions for families and businesses “, he called Buia. An incomprehensible rule – continues the note from the Ance – against which many exponents of the majority.

“We appeal to Parliament to correct this distortion as soon as possible, which risks jeopardizing the economic recovery”, adds Buia, highlighting that “this is not how fraud is fought. We need a qualification of companies and traceability of operations otherwise we end up only penalizing honest businesses and citizens ”
