Superbonus, quick solution for expiring credits: the government ready to give the ok

Superbonus first technical table at the MEF compensation hypotheses are

(Finance) – The government would be ready to approve the solution identified by the supervisor of the Superbonus decree, Andrea de Bertoldi (Fdi), which allows you to register credit on the platform of theRevenue Agency from the moment it is taken over by the bank. The executive therefore aims to quickly close the dossier and allow the transfer of building credits accrued in 2022, but currently blocked in the bank approval process whose March 31 deadline threatens their forfeiture.

The speaker himself announced that they are 311 amendments to the Superbonus Decree filed in the Finance Committee in the Chamber. De Bertoldi said he was satisfied with the limited number of modification proposals presented overall. A figure, he points out, which reveals the acceptance by the oppositions of his invitation to dialogue on the changes to be made to the text and which does not trigger the use of the so-called “reported”. Thursday at 14 the committee should meet on admissibility.

Specifically, the package of priority amendments Of Force Italy it intervenes on the release of the credits held by the banks through the compensation with the F24 with a functional method, credit fractionability and purchase by State subsidiaries. Furthermore, the non-application of the block on the transfer of credits with a discount on the invoice from building bonuses is foreseen for the areas affected by the earthquake, the third sector, areas subject to urban regeneration and for the removal of architectural barriers.

De Bertoldi also referred to one meeting held this morning at ministry of economy during which the point was taken of the operations of credit assignment and discount on invoices that should “survive”. Therefore, those relating to former Iacp, Onlus, Sismabonus buildings are confirmed and, as regards the works carried out before the launch of the Legislative Decree, those relating to the so-called free building (boilers or fixtures, among others). Work is also underway on the construction sites underway for single-family residences.

While it still remains on ‘stand by’, awaiting further reflections from the State General Accounting Office, the ‘F24’ solution requested by the banking system and businesses. The Commission will proceed to vote on the amendments between 20 and 24 March while the general discussion on the measure by the Montecitorio Assembly is expected from 27.
