Superbonus, new squeeze arrives in CdM (surprise)

Superbonus new squeeze arrives in CdM surprise

(Finance) – A surprise arrives new tightening on the Superbonus: new limitations, according to the provisions of a law decree which, according to what Ansa understands, was approved by the current Council of Ministers Palazzo Chigi.

The measure, in fact, was not on the agenda, it was presented by the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti and would have the aim of keepingeight I control the costs, increased in a worrying manner, most likely driven by the race to avoid the decline from 110 at 70% tax discount.

A topic that Minister Giorgetti has particularly close to his heart given that he has repeatedly opposed the measure, most recently when Istat released the balances of the public accounts.

“The numbers tell us that the haemorrhage of the irresponsible Superbonus season has had a heavy effect on 2023, unfortunately going beyond the already pessimistic prospects”, he said with clear reference to the boom in the deficit which arrived last year in7.2% of GDP compared to 5.3% estimated by the government in September. “With the not simple closure of that season, public finance will undertake from 2024 – underlined the Treasury Secretary on the occasion – a path of reasonable sustainability”.
