Superbonus, MEF: sharing on the urgency of intervening with timely tools

MEF boom in tax breaks but low average benefit 125

(Finance) – It was held today at Ministry of Economy and finances technical tablechaired by the Deputy Minister Mauritius Leoon measures relating to building bonuses approved on 16 February. “The meeting – reads a note from the MEF – was an opportunity to continue discussions between the government and trade associations in a proactive climate on possible solutions, which had already emerged in the meeting that took place in recent days at Palazzo Chigi, to release the credits stranded taxpayers”. Also on the table are the proposals to manage some effects related to the transitional period of application between the previous and the new legislation, as well as those relating to certain sectors such as the sismabonus and social housing.

“Themes on which there was also a discussion among the associations present at the meeting sharing on theurgency to intervene by identifying tools capable of giving a timely response to the construction companies sector”, continues the Ministry which adds that the various proposals presented to the table will be studied in depth and evaluated in view of the convening of an upcoming new technical meeting.

They were present at the meetingin addition to the representatives of the MEF, the Presidency of the Council, Mase, Mimit, Mit, Revenue Agency, Cdp, Sace and the associations Abi, Ance, Confedilizia, Confindustria, Confapi, Alleanza Cooperative italiani, Confartigianato, Cna, Confimi, Professions network techniques, Casartigiani, Confcommercio, Confassociazioni and UPPI.

Cna he declared in a press release that he had underlined that the government’s willingness to resolve the problem of stranded credits in companies’ tax drawers will have to be translated into an urgent provision in the next few days. The hypothesis of using the F24 will have to commit the banking system as a priority to allocate the new capacity to purchase credits in the tax drawers of small businesses of any amount and for all types of bonuses. At the table, Cna also asked for a monitoring booth at the MEF on the flows of credits that will be sold and acquired by financial intermediaries and on the rates that will be applied to new purchase transactions.

Confcraftsmanship he asked the table for “the intervention of a public buyer of last resort, as an alternative to the absorption of credits by the banks”. “The decision to increase the credit absorption capacity of the banks – explained the Confederation in a note – must be carefully evaluated in the light of the residual fiscal capacity of the institutions and of the fact that the management of purchases is unattractive for credits of a smaller amount, as they are less remunerative”.
