Superbonus, Franco: up to now, non-existent tax revenues of 4.4 billion have been identified

Superbonus Franco up to now non existent tax revenues of 44

(Finance) – “The sale of the credits tax has recently been revised in response to very wide-ranging offenses. “This is what the Minister of Economy said in an urgent report on building bonuses. Daniele Franco, in the Chamber of the Chamber. The ability to sell i building bonuses without limits he had transformed tax credits, Franco stressed, into a “sort of circulating security, giving rise to a non-regulated credit market”. A first intervention, Franco recalled, took place at the end of 2021 with, among other things, the obligation to be certified by a technician. Then in January the number of transfers was limited. Then came the dl Superbonus at the end of February which imposed a maximum of three sales and the impossibility of disposals partialas well as a unique code so that the credit can be tracked and harsher penalties for technicians who omit or falsify.

“Up to now the analysis and control activity has allowed the Finance Police and toRevenue Agency to identify a total amount of non-existent tax income, equal to approximately 4.4 billion, of which almost half, around 2 billion, already sold and collected. To these 4.4 billion must be added another billion whose suspension is being finalized “, added Franco.

“Government action” which has squeezed the assignment of building credits “aims at three fundamental objectives: firstly, to eradicate abuses” to “prevent fraud“with a” timely tracking of transactions “,” secondly to recover the amounts illegally collected and to prevent transactions characterized by risk profiles from being completed “and” thirdly to ensure the full and orderly functioning of the mechanism and of the transfers to protect taxpayers and of the companies that operate in the sector with professionalism and diligence “, explained the minister.

Measures to “increase quality andenergy efficiency of the housing stock“and” supporting the construction sector as a key player in the country’s economic recovery “have” very important purposes “but, Franco said, the intervention for the sales has allowed” the emergence of conditions that are particularly permeable to illicit behavior. The outcome of the fraud and the potential damage to the tax authorities of false sales has assumed extremely significant dimensions. The burden could be significant not only for taxpayers but also for intermediaries who have acquired false credits that they may never be able to use “.” The relevance and spread of fraud, which does not discussion the usefulness of the instrument of tax bonuses and their transfer, has imposed, to protect the accounts of the State and taxpayers, the activation of countermeasures aimed at contrasting and preventing illegal behavior and at the same time allowing honest citizens to benefit from the facilitation “, concluded the minister.
