Superbonus bill: Government puts its trust in the Chamber

DEF day of hearings from Confindustria to Confcommercio the point

(Finance) – The Government has set the question of confidence in the Chamber on the approval of the bill to convert the superbonus decree without changes compared to the text approved in the first reading in the Senate. The announcement was formalized in the Chamber by the Minister of Relations with Parliament Luca Ciriani

Vote to be held tomorrow at 5.45pm with the first call, at the end of the explanations of vote which will begin at 4.15pm. The work will possibly continue until midnight with the examination of the agendas. The final explanations of vote are expected from 9.30 on Thursday morning, followed by the final vote on the measure. This was established by the Montecitorio group leaders’ conference

Meanwhile, opposition arises. “They call it trust but it must read as distrust: the majority no longer trusts itself and unloads its own fibrillations on the parliamentary institutions”. This was stated in the Chamber by the Democratic Party deputy, Federico Fornaro, member of the Bureau of the Montecitorio group. “This time – underlined the Dem exponent – there is no reason attributable to the behavior of the opposition for the request for confidence: there are only 28 amendments to vote on. The only reason – he concluded – is the fracture in the majority which fears divisive votes. But these are problems that should be resolved elsewhere, in majority summits and not dumped on the institutions.”

Majority that must digest the “Forza Italia has always been at the forefront in the fight against tax evasion, but firmly opposed to the so-called income meter. Not coincidentally, it has never voted in favor of the measure in the past. Consistent with the opposition made to the times of its establishment, when it was an opposition party, today it did not share the choice to make it executive”. Thus in a note Paolo Barelli, president of Forza Italia deputies. “Forza Italia is the party of citizens’ freedom and is therefore already committed to overcoming this ‘income meter’ with more efficient measures – he adds – which guarantee the recovery of tax evasion without criminalizing a priori those who, with their own money, after having paid the taxes every penny, chooses to purchase goods that others consider too expensive or luxurious.”
