(Finance) – With regard to the decree which provides for the stop of the assignment of credits and the discount on the invoice for building renovations, the ABI specifies that “”the decree law provides clarification and a useful contribution to the greater legal certainty of credit assignments deriving from construction bonuses e helps to reactivate trades of such tax credits”.
“In case of failure to meet the requirements which give the right to tax benefits – explains the Association – the supplier who applied the discount and the assignees who have acquired the credit, in possession of the documentation demonstrating the effectiveness of the works carried out, they will not be jointly and severally liableunless there is fraud. Even subjects other than consumers or users buying tax credits from a bank they will not be jointly and severally liableif they have the necessary documentation and bank certificates”.
“However, the lack of documentation – states the ABI – no longer constitutes a cause of joint liability for the transferee who can demonstrate by any means that he has acted with diligence or the non-gravity of the negligence.