Super bonus 110%, Giorgetti: no extension in the forms known so far

Maneuver majority seeking at least 16 billion

(Finance) – The Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetticonfirmed that no new extensions of the Super bonus at 110%. Over the course of a question time in fact, in the Chamber Giorgetti declared that “it is not the government’s intention to proceed with the extension of the measures relating to interventions in the forms known so far”. “With regard to the positive macroeconomic impact of the benefit under examination – added Giorgetti in response to a question from the M5S – it should be specified that even if various institutions, associations and research centers have agreed on the expansive nature of the Super bonus and other building incentive measures, the same studies have underlined how the impact assessments of these measures are subject to a wide margin of uncertainty. This is confirmed by the significant variability of the results produced.”

“Moreover – he continued –, we cannot ignore the possible positive contribution to growth must necessarily be analyzed in light of the costs for them financing. Like any public policy it must be subjected to a rigorous cost-benefit analysis”. Giorgetti then cited the Bank of Italy, according to which the expansionary effect “was probably not such as to make the instrument have zero impact on the income statement of public administrations”. “To this we must add that i larger investments For homes they have, at best, replaced and, at worst, displaced, some of the expenses that would have been realized anyway, even in the absence of the Superbonus, through the increase in prices in the sector”, he concluded.

“If on the one hand the estimate of the macroeconomic impact of Superbonus 110 is uncertain, on the other hand, the cost quantification for public finances it is certain and will also have to be taken into account in the next update note to the Def. One figure applies to everyone: measures paid for by all Italians affected less than 3 percent of the population existing real estate. First, second, third homes, by the sea, by the mountains, of rich and poor and even 6 castles”.

“The market of purchase of credits has restarted thanks to the government’s commitment and the certifications of the nature of these credits and for this reason the executive is studying tools through which to allow the verification of the quality of those still in the possession of citizens and which arose in the period prior to the introduction of the constraints of appropriateness”, Giorgetti finally wanted to underline.
