Sunstroke: what is it?

Sunstroke what is it

Sunstroke results in severe headaches, drowsiness or even loss of consciousness, nausea, feverskin burns (sunburn). It is the consequence of prolonged exposure to the sun. It may also be called ” heat stroke “.

What to do in case of sunstroke?

If you suspect a sunstroke for yourself or for a loved one, you must move or place the person immediately in the shade, if possible in a cool place and ventilated. If the room is air-conditioned, move away from the source ofair cold to avoid thermal shock. Cool the person’s body with cold or lukewarm water (but not frozen) using a washcloth. A lukewarm bath or shower is also recommended if you can. You should also avoid dehydration and give the person water to drink. If you feel unwell, contact emergency services quickly.

How to prevent sunstroke?

Avoid exposure in the sun between noon and 4 p.m.. If you must go out, stay in the shade, wear a hat and light but covering clothing. Drink plenty of water before you feel thirsty, especially on hot days. heat wave. During strong heat, arrange break times for the body by staying several hours a day in an air-conditioned or cool place (supermarket, cinema, churches, shopping center). Fragile people (infants, young children) and the elderly are particularly sensitive to sunstroke.

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