Sun protection: good reflexes against UV still not automatic

Sun protection good reflexes against UV still not automatic

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    Apply sunscreen every two hours, get in the shade, use the right index… A recent American study reveals that if the use of sunscreen is increasing, the right actions to protect yourself from the sun are far from be acquired.

    With the return of the sun, you want to restore a little color to your skin. But exposing yourself is not without danger. A new American study reveals that people are increasingly aware of the importance of sun protection. Problem, they do not use it correctly. In 2021, a French survey drew the same conclusion with regard to the French, noting that, among them, 40% did not protect themselves enough from the sun.

    According to the American survey, 62% of participants consider that they have adopted good sun protection during the year 2021. But 63% of them declare that they have tanned and 33% have suffered a sunburn, i.e. 8% more than in 2020. “There is no such thing as a safe tan. Every time you tan or get a sunburn, you also damage your skin’s DNA. The more you damage your DNA, the more likely you are to get skin cancer ”warns Dr. Mark D. Kaufman, president of the American Academy of Dermatology, in a statement.

    Improper use of sunscreen

    If the people questioned believe that they use sunscreens correctly, the results prove the opposite:

    • 67% mistakenly think that an SPF 30 sunscreen offers twice the protection of an SPF 15 sunscreen. In reality, an SPF 30 does not offer twice the protection, but actually protects more than an index protection located at 15. Good to know, an SPF 15 filters out 93% of UV rays while an SPF 30 filters out 97%. It is also strongly advised not to use a sun protection factor of less than 15;
    • 65% of respondents forget to reapply sunscreen. However, it is essential to apply your sunscreen every two to three hours or just after swimming. Very few sunscreens are water resistant. Finally, 43% do not know that shade protects against UV rays.

    Consult a dermatologist online

    Recommendations to follow

    To protect yourself from the sun and its damage to the skin, such as premature skin aging but also the risk of skin cancer, the American Academy of Dermatology offers several recommendations:

    • Look for the shade. The sun’s rays are strongest between 12 and 4 p.m. If your own shadow is smaller than you, plant the parasol or get in the shade ;
    • Wear sun-protective clothing, such as a light, long-sleeved shirt, pants, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses with UV protection, if possible;
    • Apply a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to all skin not covered by clothing. A broad-spectrum sunscreen provides protection against both UVA and UVB rays.

    Dr. Kaufmann adds that “if you use sunscreen to protect yourself, it is essential that you use it correctly, otherwise it will not protect you from sunburn, skin aging and skin cancer”.
