Sun protection: don’t forget your eyelids!

Sun protection dont forget your eyelids

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    With the return of sunny days, sunscreens are making a comeback. An essential to protect your skin from ultraviolet rays… including certain areas of the face that we tend to forget: the eyelids!

    The total screen is one of the creams that it is absolutely necessary to obtain to protect yourself. It must be applied daily, several times a day in certain situations, especially at the beach. Today, everyone knows the benefits of sunscreen for the skin, but this protection is not always applied correctly.

    The eyelids, the big forgotten ones

    As the vast majority of creams are generally to be spread “avoiding the eye area“, sunscreen will also be applied in this way. Indeed, the fragile skin around the eyes and eyelids can encourage us not to put it on. Fear of eye irritation or of makeup running can also be a hindrance, but this is a mistake!

    The skin of the eyelids must absolutely be protected from the sun. In the event of surgery because of cancer in this area, it can be quite devastating, it is essential to protect this part of the face” confirms Marie Jourdan, dermatologist and member of the Doctissimo expert committee.

    The application of sunscreen to protect the eyelids is therefore a gesture to adopt quickly. This helps prevent pigment spots, wrinkles and the formation of bags and dark circles on this area of ​​the face. The eyelids will also be less droopy.

    Regarding the choice of sunscreen, a minimum index 30 mineral sunscreen is recommended. There are also sunscreens in powder form or designed specifically for the eye contour area.

    Consult a dermatologist online

    What other areas should be protected from the sun?

    When asked, Dr. Jourdan reminds us that indeed, different areas of the body tend to be forgotten when applying sunscreen.

    This concerns the side parts of the face, towards the ears and the hairline” comments the specialist. “We tend to put a lot in the middle of the face, a little on the sides. To protect yourself, you can also opt for good sunglasses or a wide-brimmed hat..

    The ears are sometimes also forgotten, as is the tip of the nose or the back of the neck. So many areas that you will now remember to protect, each time you put on sunscreen.
