summer time 2022, instructions

summer time 2022 instructions

TIME CHANGE. This Sunday, March 27, 2022, we switch to summer time. Be careful to set your watches correctly: at 2 a.m., it will be 3 a.m. This measure was supposed to disappear, but persists…

This weekend of March 26 and 27, France is changing time. We are switching to summer time! The 2022 time change takes place on the night of Saturday March 26 to Sunday March 27. Please note, as every year during this period, we “lose an hour: “at 2 a.m., it will therefore be 3 a.m. “Following the change of summer time, our difference with solar time increases by one hour, we therefore go from GMT+1 (winter time) to GMT+2 (summer time).We lose an hour of sleep as well as an hour of natural light at the start of the day. the spring and summer evenings will gradually lengthen.

The time change, in force in France since 1976, is supposed to disappear. Its end was recorded by the French authorities and by a decision of the European Parliament. Its removal of the time change eventually fell behind schedule. The reason ? The current context with the health crisis and the difficulties of harmonization between Member States.

Find all the answers to your questions about the 2022 summer time change and the long-awaited end of the measure below.

Questions answers

Switching to summer time is an immutable ritual in France. But this is also the case in 70 countries around the world, most of the countries located in Asia and Africa not practicing the time change. Some countries have also given up on the system, such as Russia in 2011 or Turkey in 2016. And in a special case, Cyprus splits in two for the time change. The South, Greek, switches to winter time each year in the fall while the North, Turkish, remains on summer time.
