Summer jobs: which sectors are hiring the most?

Summer jobs which sectors are hiring the most

Do you want to find a summer job but don’t really know which sector to target? Quickly discover the sectors of activity that are recruiting the most and put the odds on your side.

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For many of you, summer vacation does not rhyme with idleness, but rather with summer jobs. To finance your studies, your holidays or put some money aside, summer jobs are the best way to carry out all your projects. But what are the sectors that recruit the most for a summer job?

The hotel and catering industry

Cafés, hotels or restaurants traditionally need additional labor during the summer period, due to the increase in tourist attendance and staff holidays all year round. This is even more true today, because the crisis of Covid-19 led to strong demand for waiter, bartender, kitchen clerk, or even dishwasher since the reopening of establishments. Hotels are also concerned with reception, housekeeping or room service positions. You should find a job in this sector without difficulty, whether via an unsolicited application or by responding to an advertisement.

Trade and retail

The influx of tourists is generating an increase in visits to shops and supermarkets throughout the territory. Here too, to make up for the absences of the staff employed, the managers of shops and supermarkets make enormous use of young people and students in order to ensure the positions of cashier, receptionist, shelving, salesperson, self-service employee, order picker in drive-thru service…


This summer of 2022 marks the resumption of shows, concerts and festivals of all kinds. On this occasion, the event sector is recruiting for many summer jobs, in particular for host and hostess or cashier positions.


Summer is here season of the fruits and vegetables, market gardening and the first harvest. The sector is recruiting staff for the season to help with the harvesting and packaging of the various products. Some will also be able to participate in the sale of farm products on the markets or in direct sale. A job in the open air, close to nature and allowing you to meet lots of people. Don’t be afraid to move around, many farmers offer accommodation during the summer job.

Animation and leisure

Summer holidays are also the season for summer camps and leisure centers for children. A large number of activity leader positions are available to supervise children and offer them various activities during their stay. Be careful though, if you apply for a position as a facilitator you must hold the Bafa, the certificate of aptitude for the functions of facilitator. On the leisure side, you can submit your application to a amusement park. Many positions are in fact sought after in high season to ensure sales, catering, maintenance, the cash desk or even animation within the park. The swimming pools municipal services and equipped bathing areas are also a very demanding sector for bathing supervision or lifeguard posts. To apply, you must have a lifeguard certificate (BSB) or a national water safety and rescue certificate (BNSSA).

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