Summer in P1 – now all summer hosts in 2024 are presented

Since before, the audience has voted for the listeners’ summer host, who this year will be 21-year-old Alva Sparrevik from Stockholm.

On July 17, she will talk about the high-profile murder of her little brother Lucas, who was beaten to death in the summer of 2023 after standing up for a friend.

Summer in P1 2024

  • Kristi’s bride or Gunilla Persson – who will be this year’s summer speaker?

  • She is the listeners’ summer host in 2024

  • It will be a summer talk about grief, the memory of a brother and the importance of civil courage.

    – I hope that my story about my little brother will make a difference. That people take a part of Lucas with them; his warmth and courage. It will be unfiltered and raw, but also warm, says Alva Sparrevik in a press release.
