Summer house The normalos fans count after betrayal with an incredible candidate

Summer house The normalos fans count after betrayal with an

When the normalos summer house was announced, many fans had concerns about whether “normalos” could really cause enough excitement. This fear turned out to be completely unfounded: the result by the following we are served a feast of trash TV entertainment that is in no way inferior to the stars’ summer house. In episode 5, two couples had to leave the show. So there was a double mooring.

“Absolutely unfair”: Team Dubai has to go because of asthma

The first expulsion took place directly at the beginning of the new episode. Two particularly unpopular couples were elected to the Exit Challenge and had to fight for their whereabouts on the show: Maki and Michelle against Marc and Lucia.

In the exit game “gauntlet run”, the couples had to show how sporty they are. The game was about hauling heavy posts from A to B, which proved to be a sweaty task. Unfortunately, Marc and Lucia, who made themselves unpopular as a Dubai Influencer, were clearly in the disadvantage: The 27-year-old Lucia suffers from asthma and had to stop the tough game. When she felt that she couldn’t get any air, Marc hugged her and accepted that it was over.

There is a discussion online about whether that was really fair. Many think that Lucia deserves a different exit game due to asthma. A fan on Instagram is swimming: “If the production knew that with asthma, it was an unsuitable exit game, since absolutely unfair.” Others even rumor that production deliberately chose this game so that Maki and Michelle are safe in the next round. Finally, the two made headlines again and again due to toxic behavior.

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  • Shock in the summer house: Nobody would have expected this outline

    The next shock followed in the evening: at the big exhaust ceremony, another couple went to the collar. All couples voted for the unpopular couple in the house – if you get most votes, you have to leave the show immediately. Since Maki and Michelle could previously shafen, they were not allowed to be elected. So the choice promptly fell on a couple that many fans even saw in the final: Sebi and Viki are out.

    Sebi had previously been targeted because he admitted openly, only because of the profit of 25,000 euros at the show and not because of a possible reality TV career. Some in the house criticized this sharply. The fans do not allow themselves to be led by the bogus argument and immediately recognize the double standards of the other candidate: inside: “Somehow funny what a problem Vanessa has with the fact that Sebi only wants the money. After her friend said in the last episode he doesn’t want to be famous. ”

    Vanessa scandal noodle in particular demonstrated again that nobody can trust her. Actually, she had given Vikki and Sebi the promise not to nominate the two. When the big decision then the shock: Instead of nomination, Vanessa chose her allies and kicked Sebi and Viki from the show. Fans let their frustration out of this behavior on Instagram:

  • “Rarely seen such a lousy character as from Vanessa.”
  • “Vanessa revealed herself this time and gets her fat away next episode.”
  • In her embarrassing attempts, Vanessa is somehow in conversation […] At such an unpleasant foreign shamel level that I get goose bumps. “
  • Normalos summer house: So you can watch the new reality show

    The normalos summer house can be seen exclusively on RTL+, A new episode appears on the streaming service every Monday. A broadcasting station in linear TV is not yet planned.
