Summer heat – soon it will be colder

After a long winter, the week has brought long-awaited summer weather in large parts of the country. During Friday, we may even have had the hottest day of the year. In Gothenburg, it has preliminarily been 25.5 degrees – only 0.1 degrees from the annual high measured at Halmstad Airport on May 1.

But the high pressure is singing the last verse this time, says TV4’s meteorologist Peter Kondrup.

– Take the opportunity to enjoy yourself during Saturday as it will still be between 20 and 25 degrees in parts of southern and central Sweden.

Double cold fronts

Picnics and outdoor dining may give way to colder temperatures already during Sunday. Then two cold fronts, one from the north and one from the southwest, will move in over the country.

The western parts of Götaland will be treated to clouds, rain showers and up to 10 degrees lower temperatures than on Friday. The two cold fronts will merge over Svealand, which will mean rain and ten-degree heat.

But according to Peter Kondrup, there is reason to keep hope up.

– Locally it can still be up to 20 degrees in the south – if the sun only shows up.

“Snow patches all the way down towards Svealand”

The cold will last into next week and in the north only occasional plus degrees are expected. And anyone who has breathed a sigh of relief that the last snow of this year’s season has fallen may be forced to think again.

– Right now, the forecasts show that a new low pressure will move in on Wednesday with rain and snow. There may very well be snow all the way down to Svealand, says Peter Kondrup.
