Summer 2024, Federconsumatori: holiday costs increase. Transport +14%, services +10%

Summer 2024 Federconsumatori holiday costs increase Transport 14 services 10

(Finance) – This year, 41.3% of Italians will go on holiday (+2.3% compared to last year). Of these, 52.7% will opt for a short stay, of 3-5 days, looking for solutions to contain expenses, such as hospitality with friends and relatives. Furthermore, this year, the tendency to stay within national borders is confirmed (over 80% of Italians will make this choice), also due to the increase in flight prices, of over 13% on European routes. This is what emerges from the estimates by Federconsumatori.

“The holidays, therefore, – he highlights Federconsumatori – will be marked by prudence and savings: a necessity dictated largely by the limited economic availability, but also by increasingly prohibitive costs. As August approaches, in fact, we are not only witnessing an overheating of temperatures, but also a progressive increase in prices”.

L‘ONF – National Observatory Federconsumatori, has monitored, in addition to the costs of beach resorts (which increase on average by +5.2%), even those for a Sea Holiday (which records increases of +10%) and in mountain (+4%).

But often, the factors that influence the choice of whether or not to leave and the budget to allocate for a holiday are costs of services and transport: the former increase on average by 10%, with the latter in the lead hotel cost increases (+17%), especially in the cities of art; transport instead, they increase, on average, by +14% (the costs of medium-long distance car trips, i.e. >200km per trip, are suffering the greatest increase, recording a variation of +20% compared to 2023).
