Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us from March 28, 2022

Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us from March 28 2022

In the episodes of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast from March 28, 2022, the police suspect Bart of having killed Léa. Summary and spoilers.

In the episodes of DNA for the week of March 28, Bart is the prime suspect in the murder of Léa Courcelles. Several elements accuse him and the police are forced to place him in preventive detention. Indeed, a witness saw him arguing with the young woman shortly before her death. Additionally, investigators discovered that he deleted messages sent to Charlie, Noor, Garance and Gabriel. Bart maintains that he is innocent, but Louise is worried, his repeated lies make her doubt. In addition, the investigation will lead to the discovery of a skeleton in the basement of the school. Does this have anything to do with the secret that Bart wanted to hide at all costs?

Elsewhere in Sète, the challenge that Samuel and Victoire have launched weighs on them more and more. They can no longer bear that their sex life has become the main topic of conversation between their colleagues at the hospital. And then, it must be recognized that they have great difficulty in resisting. So much so that they wonder if it wouldn’t be better to stop and finally give in to temptation. Will Victoire and Samuel finally crack? For their part, their exes do not ask themselves as many questions. Because yes, in the episodes of DNA broadcast from March 28, Alma and Benjamin fall into each other’s arms! A new couple in Sète?

Finally, in the episodes of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast the week of March 28 on TF1, after the hasty departure of Irène, Chloé introduces the students to the new CPE of the Agnès Varda high school: Étienne Curtis. This is the shock for Dorian who was unaware. He will now see his father every day in high school. The icing on the cake, after having launched a few embarrassing jokes, the new CPE broaches the subject of sexuality on the occasion of Sidaction. What put the young man definitely uncomfortable.
