Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us from April 4, 2022

Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us from April 4 2022

In the episodes of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast from April 4, 2022, Gabriel is in danger. Summary and spoilers.

In the episodes of DNA for the week of April 4, the police conclude that the murders of Romain and Alyzée, the attack on Chloé and the break-in at Sara and Roxane’s house are the work of one and the same person. But who is it? Karim begins to suspect Noor and Garance in particular. The latter has a suspicious behavior, she tries to find out what the leads of the police are and gets on her nerves when Gabriel asks her questions. For the investigators, time is running out, it is absolutely necessary to arrest the culprit before he causes another victim. But it is already too late… Gabriel is assaulted and kidnapped in the middle of the street.

Also in the episodes of DNA for the week of April 4, at the hospital, Victor is suddenly very attentive to Christelle, perhaps a little too much to be sincere. He also seems particularly benevolent towards a patient known to be quite troublesome. After learning that Timothée was planning to go on a date with Elsa using the money he earned teaching lessons, Victor is shown to be deeply overwhelmed in front of Christelle. He regrets not being able to spoil his son more and claims to feel very alone. Something to soften the social worker at the hospital who believes that the ex-white-collar offender is entitled to a second chance. Convinced that he has found in Christelle a rich person who will invest in him, Victor promises Timothée that they will return to their former life.

Elsewhere in Sète, still in the episodes of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast on TF1 from April 4, Raphaëlle and Stanislas are inseparable. As soon as their first night of love is over, they make sure to see each other again. But not knowing how to spend more nights together, Stanislas offers Raphaëlle to be officially introduced to Camille. The new love of the lawyer is unanimous, both with her daughter and her friends. Could this budding relationship be here to stay?
