Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1312 of November 8, 2022

Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1312 of November

In the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us 1312 of Tuesday November 8, 2022, Brigitte goes to prison and the Daunier couple explodes.

In the episodes of DNA for the week of November 8, Brigitte is incarcerated. She reassures Aurore: she could not have lived with this crime on her conscience and, whatever happens, her place is in prison. William, don’t get angry and, for him, Aurore has exceeded the limits and he will never forgive her. The policewoman is torn and Manon blames herself, it is because of her that her mother suspected Brigitte. William reassures her: he is after Aurore and only Aurore. Lisa tries to reassure her colleague and convince her that she made the right choice. Later at the police station, Karim’s cousin arrives in a panic to ask him for help: what will happen this time?

Still in Sète, Charlie is not losing his temper. To her, Alma and Benjamin are just hypocrites who don’t take her seriously. Adam advises her to tell everything to François, but the young woman refuses, she knows how important these new friends are for her companion. During lunch, Charlie is chomping at the bit, but ends up exploding. In this episode of Tomorrow belongs to us, François accuses him of exaggerating and Charlie suddenly leaves the table. François catches up with her and wants to understand her attitude: Charlie explains to her that she is not only upset for her, but for their couple. For their part, Alma and Benjamin take the incident lightly and both continue to make fun of Charlie.

Finally, in episode 1312 of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast on November 8 on France 2, Georges and Victoire have succeeded so well that Mona embarks on learning Japanese to be able to follow them to Tokyo. Upon realizing that she is ready to leave the Spoon, the two friends confess the truth to her. Mona is mad with rage, but does not intend to let go of Georges, however, according to her, he is still far from being independent. Finally, the three bury the hatchet over a good Japanese tea party by the lake.
