Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1309 of November 3, 2022

Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1309 of November

In episode 1309 of Tomorrow belongs to us from Thursday November 3, 2022, Aurore thinks that Brigitte could have attacked Delphine Laborde.

In episode 1309 of DNA from Thursday, November 3, at the police station, all suspicions turn to Martin. Aurore and Lisa have indeed noticed that there was a hole in her schedule right at the time of Delphine’s attack. Fortunately, Judith is quick to declare that she saw him at the pond because he needed to isolate himself. Martin is therefore exonerated, but it’s back to square one for the police. However, a new element could change everything: Damien found DNA under Delphine’s false nails. It’s a woman’s DNA. The investigators are therefore looking for a woman in Sète… for example, the wife of one of the victims… who would have lost her husband because of this story… Brigitte?

At the same time, Anna despairs of still not having any news from the ASE. Karim and Chloé try to reassure her and push her to relax, but while she wants to continue to believe in it, the psychologist doesn’t want to get her hopes up either. And then, faced with Karim’s apparent detachment, she wonders if he still wants to adopt. In the November 3 episode of DNA, Karim reassures Anna that he hasn’t changed his mind and is even ready to call ASE to try to get things done.

Finally, in the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast on Thursday November 3 on TF1, determined to find the furniture that was stolen from her, Roxane leads her own investigation. To Bart’s great displeasure, she is all the more relentless, as according to the horoscope read by Mona, her efforts will pay off. And in the course of her research, she believes she has got her hands on… a network of stroller traffickers! Touched by so much stubbornness, it is finally Bart who comes to his aid: he found the furniture on another classifieds site.
