Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1208 of June 14, 2022

Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1208 of June

In the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us 1208 broadcast on Tuesday June 14, 2022, Noor is unhappy with Cédric and prefers to break up. Summary and spoilers.

In the episode of DNA that aired on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, Noor waited to hear from Cédric all weekend, without success, but he finally texts him. Soraya tries to reason with her sister: this relationship does not make her happy. Cedric wants to see Noor and they both have a drink. Cédric apologizes and tells Noor that his children are finally forgiving him. Noor however tells her that their story is too complicated, she loves him, but she suffers and doesn’t want them to end up hating each other. She breaks. Cedric tries to hold her back, but Noor leaves the Spoon, heartbroken.

At the same time, Raphaëlle is in turmoil. She finally confessed to her father and Chloé that Stanislas had been violent, but for the moment she does not want to leave him. The skipper apologizes, he promises to get help and change. In this episode of DNA, Audrey agrees to introduce him to Leo, and Stanislas plays perfect fathers. Leo is conquered. After his son leaves, Stanislas is once again contemptuous of Audrey and is about to be violent with Raphaëlle, but is interrupted by Camille. Raphaëlle slips a knife into her pocket, unaware that her lover could well disappear sooner than expected: in fact, the skipper has paid a smuggler to go to Tangier… With his son.

Still in Sète, adjustments are needed between Bart, Roxane and Sara. Indeed, Roxane will soon ovulate and it is therefore time to proceed with the insemination. But by the way, how do the two women want to go about recovering Bart’s sperm? In episode 1208 of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast on June 14 on TF1, Roxane and Sara reassure Bart: no physical rapprochement is necessary. Later, the young man talks about it with Anna and Marianne arrives in the room. Of course, the project does not please him at all. As for Bart, he still has some doubts. He is especially afraid of being ousted at the birth of the child. Fortunately, Sara reassures him.
