Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1178 of May 4, 2022

Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1178 of May

In episode 1178 of Tomorrow belongs to us from Wednesday May 4, 2022, while the police think they have the culprit, the serial killer strikes again. Summary and spoilers.

In DNA episode 1178 of May 4, as the investigators suspected, the cardiac arrest from which the florist died is anything but natural. According to toxicology, she was poisoned with digitalis. For the police, there is no doubt that her ex, who used to be violent with her, is the culprit. In addition, he could easily obtain purple foxglove, a flower that makes digitalis possible. Since everything incriminates him, Carl is referred, even if he continues to proclaim his innocence… He admits that he argued with Violette and that they came to blows, but nothing more. Meanwhile, the real murderer has a new victim: Gaëlle, the pastry chef who had just ended her budding relationship with Tristan.

For their part, Sara and Roxane have the green light from Martin to be absent for a few days in order to do IVF in Barcelona. But seeing that Sara is having trouble letting go of the ongoing investigation, Roxane offers her to go alone. Nordine, who has overheard the conversation, volunteers to accompany him. He must indeed take his leave and has no desire to spend it alone in Sète, it must be said that since the Messy affair, his relationship with Sophie is a little floundering. In the episode of DNA broadcast on May 4 on TF1, the future mothers accept Nordine’s unexpected proposal. He promises Sara to watch over Roxane as over her sister.

Finally, in the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us on Wednesday May 4, Pierre is received very coldly by Aurore and William when he was bringing them breakfast. He has in fact just interrupted a passionate debate aimed at determining which of Brigitte or Pierre has perverted the other. Anyway, he lets Brigitte know that they are unmasked. Now up against the wall, all they have to do is officially announce their relationship during a family meal. Brigitte is amused by the sidelong glances of her children before making her big announcement, but she will quickly become disillusioned when she sees her husband arrive, determined to win her back.
