Summary of Plus belle la vie for the week of April 25, 2022

Summary of Plus belle la vie for the week of

MORE BEAUTIFUL LIFE. In the episodes of Plus belle la vie broadcast from April 25, 2022, Jacob kidnaps another police officer. Summary.

In the episodes of Plus belle la vie for the week of April 25, Camille tries to find a solution to prevent Jacob from giving in to his impulses and killing Kevin. She is determined to give up on him so that he may live. The problem is that no matter how hard she tries, she can’t forget him. For Jacob, the solution is simple, just get rid of Kevin. Obviously, Camille opposes it. If Jacob kills him, he won’t see her again. Unable to stand it any longer, Jacob spies on Kevin with a rope and a taser… but he finally sets his sights on Martial, another young policeman. A race against time begins for the police to find him alive.

Still in Marseilles, the day of Riva’s interview with the Council of the Order finally arrives. Céline briefs him on what to say, he must highlight his empathy for his patients, his very positive internship report… but Gabriel has only one idea in mind, he is still convinced that he has been trapped. During his interview, he proclaims his innocence and affirms that Anthony falsified the operating protocol. Result: Gabriel is removed from the College of Physicians. But in the episodes of Plus belle la vie broadcast from April 25, it could be that Riva finally finds a way to prove his innocence.

In parallel, in the episodes of PBLV broadcast on France 3 from April 25, the time has come for Gérard to go to prison. He will serve his sentence for two years. Kévin is disturbed that his uncle is condemned for a fault he did not commit, but Gérard explains to him that even if this time he was innocent, he wants to pay for all the other scams he has committed. The time has come for Gérard to say goodbye to Carmen. She has not forgiven him, but with tears in her eyes she asks him to take care of him in prison.
