Summary of More beautiful life episode 4644 of October 21, 2022

Summary of More beautiful life episode 4644 of October 21

MORE BEAUTIFUL LIFE. In episode 4644 of Plus belle la vie on Friday October 21, 2022, Samia warns Boher of a danger. Summary.

In episode 4644 of Plus belle la vie of October 21, Boher still has a vision of Samia. He confides in her that he feels oppressed and has a bad feeling. She reassures him: he has already overcome so many trials, and then, she watches over him. Remotivated, Boher goes to the police station with enthusiasm. And when he has to carry out a risky intervention with Nebout and only one bulletproof vest for two, he is not afraid. Luckily, the operation is a success. Patrick, who was beginning to believe that his nightmare was a premonition, is reassured, his anxieties have disappeared. But suddenly, Boher sees Samia again. This time, she makes him understand that a danger lurks… the policeman wonders what it is when Ariane tells him that something terrible has happened to Kevin.

At the same time, Thomas and François let Kylian know that when the bar changes direction, the new owner offers his tour to the whole neighborhood. Kylian is not thrilled with this idea, but tradition is tradition. Betty shows up at the Mistral to congratulate him, he deserved to realize his dream. For Kylian, the young woman is welcome provided that she avoids looking for trouble. For his part, Noah wants Betty to tell him what’s wrong, but she’s had too much to drink and is only thinking about having fun. In the episode of Plus belle la vie on Friday, October 21, the evening is difficult for Kylian who still suffers from seeing Betty with another.

Still in Marseille, Ariane announces to Céline and Vincent that they will not get the money back. Céline feels guilty for having made the transfer, but Vincent does not blame her, for him, the only person responsible is Livia. He takes the situation philosophically: maybe without him, they wouldn’t have gotten back together. Nathan and Sabrina are also summoned to the police station. A witness has formally recognized Stan at the wheel of the vehicle that hit them and Ariane invites them to file a complaint so that he remains in prison until the end of his days. Nathan refuses and finally claims that it was a woman who was driving, he even goes so far as to claim that he suffers from paranoia not to charge Sabrina’s ex. In the episode of PBLV broadcast on October 21 on France 3, Vincent and Céline open a bottle of champagne at the Mistral to celebrate their decision to live together again. Nathan, Sabrina, Luna and Bastien join them and toast to love.
