Summary of More beautiful life episode 4553 of June 8, 2022

Summary of More beautiful life episode 4553 of June 8

MORE BEAUTIFUL LIFE. In episode 4553 of Plus belle la vie of Wednesday June 8, 2022, Abdel discovers a new, very disturbing side to Tim. Summary.

In episode 4553 of Plus belle la vie on Wednesday, June 8, Abdel receives a call from the police station: Barbara is in custody for violation of private property. After the lawyer comes to get her, she swears to Abdel that she was outside when the security guard tasered her but her friend finds it abnormal that Tim didn’t take enough precautions with her. A little later, Tim apologizes to Barbara. In his office, Abdel hands over the 50,000 euros that BTC gives to the journalist so that he stops investigating the company. Tim has until Friday to decide what to do with the money. For his part, Abdel meets a journalist who knows Tim. She reveals to him that he simply let die a man he filmed only to make a buzz. Abdel shows the video to Barbara. Very shocked, she is looking for an explanation.

Elsewhere in Marseille, in the episode of Plus belle la vie on Wednesday June 8, Jean-Paul goes to work when he had to keep Aurore. Léa, who has to go to a town council, exceptionally entrusts her daughter to Betty. For his part, Kilian returns home. Thomas and Gabriel have an appointment with Ravel’s headmaster but Kilian isn’t sure he wants to come. A little later, Betty tells Léa how good she is with her. As she approaches Léa, she distracts her. Nisma and Kilian have lunch: he admits to his friend that he doesn’t want to go to Ravel and would prefer to work at the Mistral full-time. Leo agrees.

Finally, in the episode of PBLV on Wednesday June 8, Noé, Sunalee and Jules talk about the end-of-year ball that they absolutely want to organize despite Rochat’s refusal. They rely on Lola not to let go. The teenager has precisely planned a wild demonstration in front of the office of the principal who does not yield. In a corridor, Sunalee tries to convince Dimitri to participate in the demonstration: the students have decided to dance the samba in front of Rochat’s office. As a result, the head of the establishment distributes the hours of glue. Noé explains to his furious mother that between anxiety attack and school phobia, the students have been doing badly since the start of the covid and a party would do them good.
