Summary of More beautiful life episode 4529 of April 28, 2022

Summary of More beautiful life episode 4529 of April 28

In episode 4529 of Plus belle la vie on Thursday April 28, 2022, Riva finds proof of her innocence. Summary and spoilers.

In episode 4529 of Plus belle la vie of April 28, with the complicity of Cédric, Gabriel manages to search Anthony’s computer and copy a file to his USB key. It’s the end of the ordeal for Riva who shows her discovery to Thomas, Cédric and Céline. There are two versions of Madame d’Anjou’s operating protocol, one, falsified, stating “total nephrectomy of the right kidney”, and the other, the original, where it is written “total nephrectomy of the left kidney”. Gabriel has finally managed to find proof of his innocence.

Elsewhere in Marseille, Kevin is not well. Thinking that his colleagues have no leads, he keeps imagining Martial dying. Émilie comes to see him and offers him to go for a walk, to clear his mind, but when the young man starts talking to her about how he still feels about her, Émilie finds an excuse to slip away. … For her part, after spending the night with Mathieu, Ariane has a revelation, she thinks she knows where Martial is being held. In the April 28 episode of Plus belle la vie, following Aurore’s intuition, the police go to Jacob’s first home and find Martial there safe and sound.

Finally, in the episode of PBLV broadcast on Thursday April 28 on France 3, Romain is forced to reveal the truth to his roommates. Between the detox juices and Emilie’s push-up sessions, the little words of encouragement like “you’re stronger than alcohol” that Sylvia has hidden all over her office and Fanny’s questions, the nerves of Romain are put to the test. He ends up cracking up and confesses to the three young women the real reason for his tremors: he is not an alcoholic, he suffers from Huntington’s disease, a degenerative and incurable disease. Sylvia, Émilie and Fanny are in shock, but they are determined not to let go of their friend Romain.
