Summary of More beautiful life episode 4526 of April 27, 2022

Summary of More beautiful life episode 4526 of April 27

In episode 4526 of Plus belle la vie broadcast on April 26, 2022, Gérard is imprisoned for two years. Summary and spoilers.

In episode 4526 of Plus belle la vie on Wednesday April 27, Gérard discovers that his sister cut out the photos where he appeared, which she explains by the anger she felt after the death of their mother. He tells Laetitia how often he was able to think of her. She then takes him to a symbolic place, where they had seen the sea for the first time, when they were children. And Laetitia takes the opportunity to give him the last letter written by their mother, which Gérard has never seen. Too angry, Laetitia had hidden from him to punish him. In the letter, his mother declares all her love for him and how much she would have liked to see him one last time. Brother and sister fall into each other’s arms. Then comes the time to say goodbye. Laetitia and Kevin accompany Gérard to the police station: as his reprieve has ended, he has to serve an old prison sentence and will be imprisoned for two years.

At the same time in Marseille, Revel gets angry with Boher after the kidnapping of the third young policeman. The serial killer seems to have vanished. Revel is convinced that if Nebout had been in charge, the dangerous murderer would have been arrested long ago. In this episode of More beautiful life, Patrick denies: he could not have done better and suggests to the prosecutor to force Jacob to change the place for his ritual. Camille, who learned from Kevin that the serial killer had kidnapped another policeman, demands that Jacob release him, without success. Later, at Lucas’s funeral, Jacob manages to find out from Ariane about the police plan. The latter then discovers that Mathieu has received the gold medal for internal security, which does not fail to impress her. After the funeral, they go for a few drinks and Ariane kisses him.

At the same time, Sylvia suspects Vidal of being an alcoholic. Fanny doesn’t believe it so to be sure of what she is saying, Sylvia searches her room and finds bottles of alcohol under her bed. In the episode of Plus belle la vie 4526 broadcast on France 3, in the evening, the roommates ask Romain if he has an alcohol problem. The doctor, to avoid revealing to them what he is suffering from, lies to them by telling them that he is indeed an alcoholic.
