Summary of More beautiful life episode 4526 of April 26, 2022

Summary of More beautiful life episode 4526 of April 26

In episode 4526 of Plus belle la vie broadcast on April 26, 2022, Gabriel’s stubbornness causes him to be struck off. Summary in advance and spoilers.

In episode 4526 of Plus belle la vie on Tuesday April 26, Gabriel is ready to defend his case before the council of the order of doctors. Céline gives him advice so that he doesn’t make any mistakes, but Riva doesn’t see it that way. For him, it is Anthony who trapped him. He proclaims it loud and clear. Of course, his accusation earned him dismissal and criticism from those close to him, but Gabriel Riva is determined to prove his innocence.

At the same time in Marseille, a new disappearance of a young policeman shakes the brigade. Everyone is scared that Kevin is the next victim on the list, but he is spared and another of his colleagues is kidnapped. Kevin is ready to do anything to find the killer and prevent the murders from happening again, to the chagrin of Laëtitia who would give a lot to protect her son. In this episode of Plus belle la vie, Camille can’t forget Kevin even though the latter is crazy about his ex, and Jacob is determined to delete him, one way or another.

In parallel with the roommate, Romain has a hard time living with three girls. Emilie surprises him in a towel and does not hesitate to admire him discreetly. She then sends him shopping for the whole house and the least we can say is that between Silvia’s 0% products and Emilie’s organic beauty products, it’s not easy to hold everything back. In the episode of Plus belle la vie 4526 broadcast on France 3, the young doctor no longer understands anything. Estelle tries to make him understand that his roommates have a crush on him, but Vidal is far too modest to believe it. Especially since his hand is shaking more and more and he has other problems to deal with.
