Summary of More beautiful life episode 4517 of April 12, 2022

Summary of More beautiful life episode 4517 of April 12

MORE BEAUTIFUL LIFE. In episode 4517 of Plus belle la vie on Tuesday April 12, 2022, the police cannot find out who, Alexandre or his twin, killed Coralie. Summary.

In episode 4517 of Plus belle la vie of April 12, 2022, when the police question them, Alexandre and Jérémy accuse each other of the murder of Coralie. They admit having played on their twinness to cheat at poker, but neither of them admits having threatened Théo Baumel or having met Coralie. Besides, they have the same alibi! And of course, the witnesses are unable to tell them apart. For her part, convinced of Alexandre’s innocence, Fanny comes to wait for him at the exit of the police station. To her great surprise, she learns that Alexandre, like his brother, has been remanded in custody. The police not having sufficient evidence, it is the court that will decide.

Elsewhere in Marseille, Gabriel is preparing to attend his first day of training as an ambulance driver. When Céline asks him if he is not too stressed, he takes it seriously: Doctor Riva is stressed before bypass surgery, not to push stretchers! It seems that Gabriel has already forgotten the purpose of this internship: humility. In the episode of Plus belle la vie on Tuesday, April 12, Gabriel’s first day as a paramedic may turn out to be more instructive than he thought. Indeed, he discovers the reality of this really physical profession… so much so that when he returns home, he falls tired and falls asleep on the sofa.

Finally, in the episode of PBLV broadcast on France 3 on Tuesday April 12, the situation degenerates a little more between Luna and Charlotte. Following her grandmother’s idea, Sunalee locked Luna in one of the hotel rooms. When Mirta comes to free her, Luna tells her that she can’t take it anymore. She always keeps a low profile and accepts criticism, she had almost succeeded in gaining the trust of Sunalee and Pablo… before Charlotte came to ruin everything. Mirta advises him to talk about it with her. Luna complies, but the tone rises and the discussion is cut short. Charlotte slaps Luna who immediately slaps her back. Élodie’s mother then throws herself to the ground, pretending to have sprained herself because of Luna’s slap. For Bastien, there is only one solution, Luna must apologize, even if this injustice is unbearable for her.
