Summary of More beautiful life episode 4515 of April 8, 2022

Summary of More beautiful life episode 4515 of April 8

MORE BEAUTIFUL LIFE. In episode 4515 of Plus belle la vie on Friday April 8, 2022, Gérard and Carmen end their day with a kiss. Summary.

In episode 4515 of Plus belle la vie on April 8, Gérard spent a very good evening the day before with Carmen, with whom he already seems very much in love. By being honest and sincere as his sister advised him to do, Gerard scored points. But Laetitia calls him back to work: he now has to find a job! Gérard is just going to have an interview but he manages to convince his sister to let him play a convertible car with which he takes Carmen to the seaside for a picnic. As they chat, they find similarities between their youths. Then Carmen drags him into a dance before asking him to close his eyes and kiss her. Back at his sister’s, Gérald exults: thanks to Laetitia, he met the woman of his life… but did not pass his job interview.

Also in Marseille, in the April 8 episode of PBLV, Franck overhears a conversation between the Liberati who are burning papers in a brazier. He manages to retrieve a small accounting book from the gambling circle and gives it to Céline, who notices that Alexandre Soubeyrand has won very large sums recently. Alexandre goes to the roommate to find out if Fanny is here. He says no while the young woman is there, reassured that Alexandre seems sincere. In prison, Delphine is depressed. As for Theo, prostrate in his room, Franck asks him to tell him everything about Alexandre Soubeyrand so that his mother can get out of prison. Theo tells him that another man was with Alexandre… his twin!

In parallel to the Mistral, Akira congratulates his grandmother: in one week, she managed to rot the relationship between Luna and Sunalee. Charlie has therefore decided on phase 2: pretend that they are going to Costa Rica for a week with his grandchildren to actually join his daughter, their mother. In episode 4515 of PBLV broadcast on April 8 on France 3, Charlie announces to Sunalee that she is taking him with his brother and sister. But the teenager is a little disappointed because she preferred to go out with her new friends. Charlotte blackmails him emotionally, which works: Sunalee agrees to leave. Same reaction for Pablo who preferred to stay quiet. Charlie then tries to convince Bastien, who finds that Costa Rica is too expensive and that the children are starting to get their bearings in Marseille. In the evening, Bastien talks about it to Luna. He would like to take the opportunity to ask Charlie to babysit to spend a weekend together. But Luna finds this idea of ​​travel strange. She has an intuition: Charlie is not sincere.
