Summary of More beautiful life episode 4514 of April 7, 2022

Summary of More beautiful life episode 4514 of April 7

MORE BEAUTIFUL LIFE. In episode 4514 of Plus belle la vie on Thursday April 7, 2022, Franck is about to discover the truth about Coralie’s death. Summary.

In episode 4514 of Plus belle la vie on April 7, Franck is ready to do anything to find Coralie’s murderer. Blanche and Noé have understood that something is afoot, and ask her to be careful. Franck’s ex is still devastated by the murder of her friend, but she understood that Theo may have had nothing to do with it. For her part, Delphine assures her companion that he will not be able to prove their innocence, because Theo has confessed to the murder. But Franck does not admit defeat. He conducts his own investigation of the Liberati by posing as a worker member of their team. And the discoveries he makes seem to put the Liberati out of business.

Still in Marseille, Sunalee has managed to find a place in the sun. Dimitri is completely crazy about her and to win her over he decides to give a helping hand to Pablo who would like to make friends. He advises him to approach his comrades with playing cards which cause a stir among schoolchildren. And it works ! But that’s not enough for Sunalee who wants her brother to be really popular. Also in the episode of Plus belle la vie on Thursday April 7, Charlotte is ready to do anything to dismiss Luna and turn the children against her. According to her, Luna told her about Sunalee’s theft. The teenager feels betrayed and is furious. Problem: Luna never confided in Charlotte, so how did Élodie’s mother know about the pilferage?

In parallel to the Mistral, Gérard and Laëtitia have fun like children, to Kevin’s great displeasure. The scammer wants to impress Carmen, who invited him to dance salsa. Problem: he doesn’t dance it well enough. In episode 4514 of PBLV broadcast on April 7 on France 3, Gérard trains, but in vain. He therefore tells Carmen that he had an accident which prevented him from dancing. Once again, Laëtitia’s brother spouts lies to impress his beauty, and it works! But he is quickly remorseful when his crush tells him that she is looking for an honest man.
