Summary of More beautiful life episode 4509 of March 31, 2022

Summary of More beautiful life episode 4509 of March 31

In episode 4509 of Plus belle la vie of Thursday March 31, 2022, Théo admits to having killed Coralie. Summary and spoilers.

In episode 4509 of Plus belle la vie on March 31, the police find Théo’s car… with Coralie’s body in the trunk. The cause of death is clear: it is a homicide, and for the investigators, Theo is the main suspect. Convinced of Theo’s innocence, Delphine and Franck think that Coralie could have been the victim of a henchman from Liberati, who would have gone to the villa to threaten Theo. Delphine explains to the police that out of fear that her son will be wrongly accused, she took the initiative to make the body disappear. Meanwhile, Theo is interrogated. Still in a state of shock, the young man finds it difficult to speak, he does not remember what happened. Boher suggests to him that he hit Coralie, and Theo ends up confessing that he killed her.

In parallel, in the episode of Plus belle la vie on March 31, Sunalee takes action to protect her brother. She threatens Dimitri and orders him to stay away from Pablo. Since he doesn’t take her seriously, she handcuffs him to the foosball in the foyer and won’t release him unless he apologizes. Dimitri takes it all as a joke but ends up making his mea culpa and agrees never to bother Pablo again. He admits that he hasn’t been nice and he might even have fallen in love with Sunalee! According to him, the blow of the handcuffs, it was well done. Sunalee has also earned the respect of Lola and Noah who invite her to come have a drink with them.

Still in Marseille, Valentin meets Gérard in the hospital. The latter claims to have come to see a friend but suddenly feels bad, he would have an inguinal hernia. Listening only to his heart, the millionaire decides to lend him 5000 euros to pay for the operation. In the March 31 episode of PBLV, Laetitia is surprised to discover that Gérard has decorated the entrance to the Zéphyr with heart-shaped balloons and a photo on which it is written: “my sister, I love you”. . He paid for her room by leaving a tip and would like to spend time with her. Brother and sister reminisce about childhood, regretting that after their father left, their mother fell into depression. When Laetitia learns that Valentin has lent Gérard money, she understands everything. For her, no doubt, Valentin got screwed.
