Summary of episodes of Tomorrow belongs to us from July 4, 2022

Summary of episodes of Tomorrow belongs to us from July

In the episodes of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast the week of July 4, 2022, the insemination worked the first time and Roxane is pregnant. Summary in advance and spoilers.

In the episodes of DNA broadcast from July 4, 2022, to his surprise, Roxane is pregnant. It was quick and Sara and Roxane weren’t really expecting it. The two policewomen are very nervous and prefer to keep the news secret. Easier said than done, Aurore exposes Roxane and Sara shares the news with her mother. And this is the tragedy, Béatrice risks coming to undermine their balance.

Still in Sète, the farmhouse is cursed, sabotage attempts are linked. Noa is in police custody, Judith testifies against him and blames herself since she knows he is innocent. Finally, Noa is released, but the mas has lost 2 months of turnover. This week in Tomorrow belongs to us, Jordan agrees to work for free while waiting to find the culprit who will continue to strike. The proof is that it is Judith’s turn to be the victim of an attack. It is imperative to get hold of the saboteur and DNA analyzes designate Bart. Would the Valorta son be guilty?

Also in this week’s episodes of Tomorrow, the results of the baccalaureate fall. Mona can be proud of herself, she comes out on top. Nathan is accepted to catch up, but only just. He will have to work hard and this demotivates him in advance, even if he can count on the help of his funny roommate and his girlfriend. Dorian repeats, and Etienne thinks he hasn’t worked hard enough. Bénédicte defends her son.

Finally, in the episodes of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast from July 4, 2022, Timothée has trouble understanding sexuality and Elsa gets impatient. He even thinks of dating a prostitute to learn certain things, but changes his mind following Victor’s advice. He goes to find Elsa to discuss, but finally, the young woman feels insulted. He still manages to win her back and the two sleep together, but Timothée continues to have trouble with intimacy.
