Suit the makers of Fortnite – the kids got addicted

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A Canadian judge has approved a lawsuit filed by parents who say their children have become addicted to the online game Fortnite. The judge in Quebec made the decision after hearing arguments from three parents who described how their children developed symptoms of “severe addiction” after playing Fortnite.

One of the children must have played at least three hours a day for two years. The lawsuit is directed against the game manufacturer Epic Games, which has not yet commented on the matter, reports the news agency Canadian Press.

The judge emphasizes that the World Health Organization already determined in 2018 that gambling addiction is a disease. Although American psychiatrists have requested more research and the WHO declaration has not been officially recognized in Quebec either, the judge still believes that there is a basis for the suit. Nor were the harmful effects of tobacco recognized overnight, emphasizes Sylvain Lussier.
