(Finance) – “Like Italgrob we express ours worry As established by the MEF and the general accounting of the State who gave negative opinion to postponement of the sugar taxa purpose fee that affects our sector and the supply chain connected to it. ” Antonio Britishpresident of Italgrobthe Federation of Ho.Re.Ca.
“We are faced with a penalizing choice for the sector that will see a aggravation both in distribution and production costs same with inevitable repercussions on the shopping cart and the final consumers towards which this tax will affect more impactfully, “he adds.
“In this perspective – continues the president of Italgrob – We hope a rethinking by the government. Certainly the opening made by Minister Ciriani to find an adequate solution to the problem makes us hope. We hope that this response takes place quickly as for the Ho.re.ca. sector It is important to be able to have a clear picture thanks to which you can plan your investments. A fundamental theme for us that will be addressed in Rimini on February 17th on the occasion of the Internazional Ho.re.Ca Meeting, the most important convention in the sector at European level “concludes CARE.