Sudden onset of back pain can result in death!

Sudden onset of back pain can result in death

The structure of the aorta is thicker and larger than other vessels in the body. Its muscular structure contains many layers and each layer has its own biological characteristics. The blood flows over the innermost layer (endothelium) and the top of this layer is also the intravascular space. As a result of the deterioration and damage of the innermost structure of the vein, called the endothelium, the blood leaks into the layers, and the blood continues to progress through these layers, causing the vein to tear from the inside (dissection).

As a result of this separation, blood flow cannot be provided to the tissues, and if blood leakage to the outermost layer progresses, rupture (tearing out) becomes inevitable. As a result, the situation is a complete disaster and if it is not treated, it represents a catastrophic picture that causes death with a very high probability. Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist Assoc. Dr. Deniz Translation gave information about the subject.


It is an important risk factor for aortic dissection. If there is high blood pressure, it must be treated. Uncontrolled blood pressure will cause excessive dilation of the vessel (aneurysm) in the long term, and damage to the endothelium exposed to high pressure.



Uncontrolled weight gain is a risk factor not only for aortic dissection but also for many diseases. Disruption of metabolic and hormonal balance due to obesity will lead to problems such as hypertension, atherosclerosis and endothelial damage and increase the risk of aortic dissection.



Family members who have had aortic dissection before, a history of sudden death, and those who have been treated for aneurysm should be a warning. Especially in some genetically inherited patients, structural disorders occur in the tissues and cause the aorta to have a fragile structure. There is a similar situation in the most commonly known Marfan syndrome, and family members are at risk and should be followed up.


Aneurysm basically describes an abnormally wide vessel diameter. It is essential that people diagnosed with aneurysm do not disrupt their controls and that their blood pressure is under control. Uncontrolled growth can cause complete rupture of the aorta (rupture, with all layers).


Aortic dissection manifests itself with sudden back pain and piercing pain in the chest, almost all patients apply to the hospital with an unbearable pain. Unfortunately, some of the patients die before reaching the hospital. Diagnosis and treatment can be done easily in fully equipped hospitals with strong infrastructure.


The treatment is surgical, and many patients who have undergone aortic dissection are able to continue their normal lives by being operated successfully. In accordance with the vessel segment where the dissection occurred, the solution can sometimes be made by placing a stent inside the vessel.

As in every disease, the easiest and most economical treatment method in aortic dissection is to prevent this disease. For this reason, all people over the age of 40 should have their general controls done, and people with these risk factors should not delay their treatment.
