Sudden death of actor Adama Niane at 56

Sudden death of actor Adama Niane at 56

ADAMA NIANE. The actor Adama Niane, seen in “Plus belle la vie”, “The SK1 affair” or even “Lupin”, died at the age of 56 in circumstances still unknown.

Adama Niane, actor known for his roles in More beautiful life or The SK1 case died at the age of 56. It was director Olivier Abbou, who was also his friend, who announced the news on Instagram on January 29, 2023, before BFM TV confirmed the news with the actor’s agent. For now, the causes of his death are not yet known.

Adama Niane was born in 1966 in Paris. After studying drama in Paris, he made his theater debut in the 1980s. He played in many television roles, notably in Mysteries, Commissioner Moulin Where Julie Lescaut. In 2009, he appeared in several episodes of More beautiful life, in Sébastien Sangha’s lawyer’s robe. His career takes a decisive turn when he agrees to cast serial killer Guy Georges in the film. The SK1 case. Subsequently, we could see him in several feature films, such as The West Indian gang, Fury Where Felicita. More recently, the general public could recognize him in the Netfli series Lupine alongside Omar Sy.
