Sudan has six million displaced people, a world “record”

Sudan has six million displaced people a world record

In Sudan, the figures for the humanitarian situation are dizzying after nine months of war. On Thursday, the UN coordinating agency Ocha said there were now nearly 6 million displaced people and 1.3 million refugees. Figures have risen sharply over the past month while humanitarian aid struggles to reach populations in need, with an insufficient budget.

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According to Ocha, Sudan currently holds the world record for the number of displaced people. Constantly increasing figures. There are 500,000 more than a month ago.

These populations are distributed over more than 6,200 sites across the 18 states of Sudan. In December, Ocha even counted more than 230,000 people having had to flee a second time, in the regions of Al-Jazeera, Sennar and the White Nile because of the spread of fighting…

For humanitarians, helping everyone is impossible. Insecurity, looting, broken networks, bureaucratic blockages, lack of money, equipment and human resources are all obstacles to the distribution of aid. Added to this are gasoline shortages, preventing the movement of agencies, the conservation of products or the supply of water…

Since April, 163 organizations have been able to provide aid to five million people, while this year, 25 million Sudanese will need support according to Martin Griffiths. The UN undersecretary for humanitarian affairs demanded that “ the international community takes decisive and immediate action » in 2024. According to him, the intensification of fighting “ makes populations out of reach “. Distributions across conflict zones have had to be stopped, while massive human rights violations continue.

Finally, the financial aspect complicates the task a little more. Humanitarians estimated needs at $2.5 billion last year. However, only 40% of the budget could be achieved.
