Such was the World Championship medalist Suvi Minkkinen’s spin after the race-revealed the most common question for journalists | In a brief sport

Such was the World Championship medalist Suvi Minkkinens spin after

Suvi Minkkinen, who achieved the World Biathlon bronze medal, did not believe that sleep would be easy to see today.

Anu Karttunen,

Joel Holma

21: 23 • Updated 21:25

Suvi Minkkinen After his World Championship bronze medal, he had to spin quite a bit. Joensuu admitted that he had not experienced the same, even though the opening of the season in Kontiolahti was near. At that time, Minkkinen finished third in his career in the World Cup for the first time.

– It made a little bit that this blow was not quite against the face, Minkkinen laughed and thanked his escort.

– Here I have two types of IBU (International Biathlon) all the time to say what to go next. All you have to do is follow.

Minkkinen’s comments were sought after after the race. The most common question that had been asked about him was the legendary, “How does it feel now?”.

– And I still can’t answer it! Other than being a bit confused still. And happy.

Minkkinen has not even dared to open his cellphone. However, his clock has been shaken by constant feed as a sign of messages.

The evening’s program was also about to become close, as there would be some kind of cake cake after the doping tests. Minkkinen also hoped to get food after the doping test, as his stomach is already frustrated.

“Food is probably the next thing that is in mind,” he said.

– After a mixed message, I went for cycling and shaking and then went to the sauna. Then I said that if it works, I will do it every time after the race. Probably it should be accomplished today when it did well.

After the success of Kontiolahti, Minkkkinen had trouble getting the sleep, and he doubted that sleep would come this time either.

– Fortunately, it’s one day off. Tomorrow you can sleep at least your sunbathing if you don’t sleep.
