Success Masra and the Transformers express their strong expectations of the Transition

Success Masra and the Transformers express their strong expectations of

In Chad, the Transformers held a big meeting on Saturday in the 7th arrondissement of the capital. After an international tour, the president of the opposition party brought together his activists to discuss the end of the transition underway in the country since the death of Idriss Déby in April 2021.

With our correspondent in Ndjamena, Madjiasra Nako

They were no less than 2000 activists to raise their flags in front of the Balcony of Hope, headquarters of the Transformers, where their leader had given them this appointment

For more than an hour and a half, Succès Masra spoke about expectations, in particular the changes hoped for in the management of the transition.

General Mahamat, you have four months left to rectify the situation », said the leader, i.e. ” consecrate clearly Iineligibility of those who manage the transition, by enshrining the sovereignty of the dialogue and the irremovability of those who will be set up after the dialogue to manage the rest of the transition. »

According to Succès Masra, prerequisites are needed for the announced inclusive national dialogue to keep its promises. ” We ask to set up a joint committee where, in front of those who supported the CNT, there are us who remained skeptical. We who said that we wanted a civil-military transition, they made a military transition. So we need a bi-partisan committee. »

The president of the Transformers also called for the release of the opinion leaders arrested after the peaceful march of May 14 and who should be tried tomorrow Monday in Moussoro, 300 kilometers from Ndjamena. Their lawyers denounce the procedure. They will not participate in the hearing.
